Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Darlington Boulders

So off we went in search of some rock to climb. Darlington Boulders sounded good in the guide book but there we were ambling around the Aussie bush unable to find the hidden cairn to show us the way to go. Therefore no fun climbing the rock was had, but we did have an enjoyable day out. This has got to be the most peaceful place we have found near Perth!
Dave enjoying the tranquility!
Gorgeous view. This gave us a clue as to where we were but by this time we needed to head back to get out before dark.
Gorgeous white flowers.
Michelle balancing on a boulder.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Michelle,
You visited my site and spoke of your early horse days. Thanks for the reminiscing memories. So, I had to come find your spot and I'm soooo very impressed with the talents of both you and Dave.
I love the photos...I love the artwork....keep up the adventures!!!


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