Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Farewell to WA, hello Nullarbor!

So before we left WA we had already driven a long way up North, then we basically drove from Perth to Brisbane via Adelaide, which for the uneducated is the entire breadth of Australia and the Nullarbor was a long section of it with nothing to see. We were told at an information centre that "Nullarbor" was an aboriginal word and that they didn't know what it meant. But we have since discovered that it comes from Latin "nullus arbor" which means NO TREES! So imagine driving all day long for 5 days, dawn to dusk and seeing NOTHING - that was our trip!
There is about 5 Royal Flying Doctors Emergency Landing strips on the actual highway.

Strangely enough, this was one of the places in Aussie where we didn't see alot of roos as roadkill. When we drove up to Exmouth, WA there was a roo every 10 metres for 1000kms!

To deter boredom and falling asleep at the wheel we skipped every 100kms! Thanks to my sister for our Christmas pressie!

Norseman, the final gas stop before heading onto that eternal straight road.

The longest section of straight road in Australia is between WA and SA. But we might add that it is straight for several thousand kms with very small bends in the road, extremely boring to drive on, and nothing to see!

Michelle at the top of Frenchman's Peak.
Frenchman's Peak in the rain.
Dave wishing he had a fishing rod!
The Southern Ocean from Frenchman's Peak.

This was our last adventure in WA, we stopped in beautiful Esperance and climbed Frenchman's Peak and this was our view.


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys, this is some really amazing stuff. Great to see you guys enjoying so many new things. You are so lucky.

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! It's great to hear some news from you again. We've been checking your site regularly. Good to hear from you!

At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for the comments on the blog I got going. Good to hear from you and see your husband (Hey Dave nice to meet you) and all the adventures you are on. Unbelievable, oh and your paintings are beautiful. Bridget says she misses your "Kiwiness", especially after watching a movie last night called the "Worlds Fastest Indian", if you have not seen it please do, it is about a Kiwi. We found ourselves talking afterwards of how much we hope to head that direction in the next little while. Good to make contact.

Garrett Grove

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for thinking that I was good enough to make it on your links! Wanted to let you know that on my last two mountain summits (Rainier & Baker) Kiwis have by chance been up at the summit also! Totally random huh? You Kiwi's love to climb. Look for your site to be on my links too.

Garrett & Bridget


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