Monday, March 05, 2007


Here is Michelle's latest artworks:

This elephant is not finished but not sure how to finish him so maybe he is.
Acrylic 50 x 60 cm

2 Playful elephants painted from a photo of 2 baby eles we met in Nepal.
Acrylic 50 x 60 cm.

An impression of Trixie.
Acrylic 25 x 30 cm.

Trixie at the door.
Acrylic 30 x 40 cm.

Fiona and Trixie being creative.


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Garrett said...

D & M

Thanks for all the comments on the blog, so good reading yours and Michelle your pictures are amazing. They make me want to paint. And as far as those wedding pics go give me a week to get them together and I will put some on the web on flickr.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Annie Pfriem said...


Wow! Your paintings are so amazing Michelle! I hope to do some more painting when life mellows out a at the rate I'm going when Sahale leaves for college! J/K
Enjoy the desert, it has it's many perks!


At 2:00 AM, Blogger Josh Pfriem said...

Thanks for sharing your artwork, they look incredable!

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Erin Kathryn Davis said...

Your painting are amazing... wow! I didn't know that was one of your hidden talents. Nice to be in touch again and I really enjoyed looking at your photos from yours and Dave's travels.

Keep on,



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