Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ABC - Annapurna Base Camp

ABC 4130m. We walked here in 2 days from Chhomrong 2170m and we were well acclimatized.

We were gonna return to Chhomrong in one day except we hate stairs. Yep the ABC track is a lot of up and down which is fine but they have stone staircases everywhere and Michelle hates them because she has little legs and the steps were large and frequent.

Going up from Chhomrong you actually descend quite a bit and then climb back up. So on the return journey we counted the steps UP to Chhomrong. Michelle counted 2223 steps and Dave 2219. Thats a lot of steps!!!

Dave playing a game with the porters. Evetually he was running around with no jacket and no boots on!

The mountain on the right is Macchupucchre which means Fish Tail. It is 6993m.

Once again some of our fave pics are on slides!


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