Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Around Annapurna


7 hour bus ride on windy steep roads from Kathmandu, only about 150kms away. Dave slept most of it and missed out on the amazing views of people working along side the road – sorry no pics taken.

Horns are essential in Asia. The pecking order is the bigger you are the faster you go and the more you use your horn and just hope that your driver and the brakes work in order to avoid oncoming traffic.

At Besisahar we jumped ontop of a bus and sat on top of our luggage and ducked down everytime we went under a power line. We traveled down a horrible road and Michelle was praying that we wouldn’t fall into the river way down below, and the road was rough and we were being knocked all over the show – great adventure!

Getting off the bus we were hounded by locals wanting our custom but it was too early to kip down for the night so we hiked on for about 40 mins to a village Bhulebhule.


This is a solar powered cooker! Environmental ethics have reached some of the villages.

"Please put the candle on the tilie plate
Close the door & window before & after to go to the bed
Off the light when you are not stay in the room & slepping time
Careful of your goods. If some things is lost we have no answer."

Filtering our water.

This stuff grows wild here. Dave noticed this plant that was growing right beside us at one of our lunch stops. Fields of marijuana were marked on our map.

Typical sight. Men and women carry heavy loads up and down the valley and most only wear jandals (flip flops). Some men carried large cages on their backs full of chickens for sale!

Our frequent trail companions. The bells around their neck warn trampers of their approach which can allow one time to avoid being knocked off the trail. This is how food is carried up, and the higher you go the more you pay for your goods.

Donkeys on a swing bridge.

Yak Kharka 4018m.

View of a glacier from Manang 3500m. Where we spent 2 nights to acclimatize and did a day climb to 4200m without heavy packs!

Another common trial companion or obstacle were the water buffalo.


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