Friday, April 11, 2008

Bee Happy.

Happy when your sunflowers grow 8 feet tall. Happy when your wife is happy when she wakes up to a sunflower in her room on V day.

Easter time.

Seeing as it has been something like 3 years since we saw Grandma (before we went overseas) we really wanted to hang out over easter. She lives under the great Mt Taranaki where 4 easters ago we trundled up the mighty peak by moonlight and got engaged. Not climbing to be done this weekend though, but plenty of good times.

Dave with his Grandma.

Grandma with her great grandson Hayden.

Grant, Dave, Michelle, Hayden, Cousin Jo, Grandma, Caitlyn, Aunty Heather. We had fun hanging out even though Grandma spent considerable time at the hospital.

Cool wind farm. Can't believe people are opposed to these, they are quiet and simply fantastic.

Hanging out with Dr Dolittles friends in Napier.

An Aussie submarine at the port.

View of part of Napier looking westwards towards Kaweka range.

A kaweka shower.

Here's Dave sleeping with Gandalf the most amazing cat on top of him. Gandalf and his brother Rohan catch rats and eat the whole thing and keep us company at night. SOmetimes they bring rabbits in too.

Here is Kaylif the horse that comes up to the deck and lets us know when he is hungry!

This is a rat trap!

We have been in Napier for a couple of months for work.

Summer Days

Well it has been ages since we blogged. Been busy, thats a good thing. Here are a few pics of some things we did over summer.
Here we are fishing with our friends Adam and Jess on their new boat.
Adam and Michelle caught the snappers that were keepers.

Surrounded by playful dolpins.

Kinda spring really but any excuse for us to cook out doors. Rufus our baby in the background.

Toffee the killer dog!

Lovely cool summer evenings lazing about after a hard days work in the hammocks and more outdoor cooking on the brazier Dave got from his awesome wife for Christmas.