Friday, November 07, 2008

Baby in utero goes to 1800m

So Michelle knew she could make the hut as its flat, then that seemed ok so she thought she could make it to the bottom of the saddle so she kept on going. Then she kept on going and made it to the top of the saddle, low snow cover. But she didn't push herself and let the boys adventure forward. The next day she spent in her sleeping bag while the other 3 went adventuring!

The previous photos are the backside of this mossy mound Dave is pointing at.

This is the South crater, I am on the left on the horizon.

Our Irish friends Edwin and Elaine.

This is bub at 20 weeks adventuring to our fave place in North Island!

Baby belly!

Well here at long last are some belly pics for those who have been asking for them.
I am now 27 weeks! These are a few weeks old.
Just been in hosptial for kidney infection and pneumonia, its not fun trying to cough when there's a baby in the way.